
Monday, February 27, 2006

The politicising of sex

The politicising of sex is the making of women.
I fully and unequivocally accept the idea of equal rights for women.
Not their literal equality,-we have all heard the remark:" vive la difference" only too often-, but their equal rights.
I have known too many brilliant women and too many stupid men to have any doubt at this point.
On the other hand, I have also known a great many stupid women and a great many brilliant men.
And this complicates matters more than somewhat.
The Feminist Movement resembles the Trade Union movement in one important respect.
The trade Unions used to fight against real injustice, greed and exploitation, and every right-thinking man supported their struggle.
Then things started changing. While employers' greed and desire to exploit workers are not entirely matters of a distant past, the Unions have been gaining the upper hand.
In spite of this, some go on fighting old and pointless battles, shouting the battle cries of a bygone age.
Most of them are unable to adjust to fast changing conditions, rethink their posistions and see their still very important role in new lights.
Others go much further.
The once oppressed victims try to become the new oppressors and exploiters.
The extreme feminist sects are no better.
When you suggest that things have improved, they call you a bloody reactionary and a fool.
Many of them have a fanatical dislike of men.
" We have been oppressed long enough" they say, "It's high time to hit back".
Fanaticism of this kind has condemned many revolutions to failure.
If formerly oppressed classes try to become the new oppressor ( which they too often do) then the result, obviously, is not a reasonable and just society, but a reversal of roles between oppressors and oppressed.
This may seem fair at the moment of victory, but clearly it carries in itself the seeds of a new revolution.
The desire to settle old accounts, to punish old oppressors ( and MEN have been oppressors) is understandable, but understanding DOES NOT make it right.

And WHAT about those women who try to remain women in the old fashioned sense of the word?
They have to be educated and converted.
Converted YES, but abused NO.

And what about those MEN who insist on their rights to remain WOMEN in the old fashioned sense of the word?
A more liberal society has been eager to declare: What consenting adults do in private is their own business.
The trouble is that they don't think it so.
The consenting adults have become a vociferous and assiduous minority.
Perhaps their excitement is just reaction to the first breath of fresh air.
Very well, but we have reached the era of the second breath.
They should calm down.
Their problem is not the most important, let alone the only, problem of this world.
Homosexuals, whether men or women, should stop fighting to rule our future.
Their majority role would exclude the very possibility of a future, so, please, tolerate us poor, inartistic, squat, low and unoriginal heteros.
It is just a little tolerance I am begging for. We can't help it either.

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