
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014? The year in which the small and medium sized company will put the big ones OUT OF BUSINESS...

In a globalized world, in an evermore bigger economic scenario, one would think, better, would be sure that a small company can, if not already done, begin thinking to be soon out of business.
How could a small guy, with limited resources, be competitive with giants and more than anything, how could he compete with low prices as the Chinese merchandize?
The answer one would expect is: impossible.
Pack and good bye.
But NEVER like TODAY, end of 2013 and beginning of a revolutionary year, 2014, the small and medium sized company, can believe in a revolutionary future.
Business Insider says it's "the next trillion dollar industry." The Economist has gone even further, comparing its history-changing impact to the steam engine and the printing press.
And the price has got so little than ANYBODY can actually afford one.
Too good to be true? NO, this invention could be "bigger than the internet."
I guess many have already understood what I am talking about, YES: the 3D printer.
What you need, as with any revolutionary invention, is imagination and ideas of how to use it, to produce the next killer application.

So, now you have it, your dream and the way to materialize it.

What you still need is the easy and fast way to find the lacking part of your business: your future customers.
And of course you need them now, if possible, so to say, yesterday...
The answer can be just one: the Internet.
The Internet can offer millions of customers, millions of people wanting to buy what you sell; there is just a small problem: finding them.
But that is a problem easily solved, if you know how and where to go.
In five minutes you can have all the list of possible customers, of people that want what you sell.
Imagine, in a few minutes being able to access a database that would require years to build, and more than anything so particularly detailed that you are sure every letter , every email, every word you will write, will address JUST the right guy, the one who wants to read it...and more than anything, who is willing to buy what you sell.

Too nice to be true? NO:click here

Monday, December 30, 2013


More of the same, but worse...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

About Drones, what everybody should know...

"What the public needs to understand is that the video provided by a drone is a far cry from clear enough to detect someone carrying a weapon, even on a crystal-clear day with limited clouds and perfect light.
This makes it incredibly difficult for the best analysts to identify if someone has weapons for sure.
One example comes to mind: "The feed is so pixelated, what if it's a shovel, and not a weapon?" I felt this confusion constantly, as did my fellow UAV analysts.
We always wonder if we killed the right people, if we endangered the wrong people, if we destroyed an innocent civilian's life all because of a bad image or angle.

It's also important for the public to grasp that there are human beings operating and analysing intelligence these UAVs.
I know because I was one of them, and nothing can prepare you for an almost daily routine of flying combat aerial surveillance missions over a war zone.
UAV proponents claim that troops who do this kind of work are not affected by observing this combat because they are never directly in danger physically.

This is the point: "they are never directly in danger physically"... Once, when wars were fought in the traditional way, a soldier risked his life and had some kind of justification"I killed not to be killed."
This is no more war, this is legalized murder...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

When digital rights are not supported by the law, they must be granted by technology.

"Digital liberty has lost the Lawfare fight. It must win the technical fight."
Former Guardian columnist Greenwald paid rueful due to his own onetime lack of encryption skills, but said that most journalists covering national security had been no different as recently as a year ago.
That has now changed, both among journalists and the interested general public.
“One of most significant outcomes of the last few months has been the increased awareness of the importance of encryption and privacy,” he said. “It’s a remarkable sea change.”
The power of the NSA and the security establishment is too strong, and democratic governments are proving unable to resist the seduction of surveillance-derived knowledge.
Third parties that are vulnerable to being co-opted by national sovereigns cannot be trusted.
No law protection, no trust in third parties, so how to fight the technical war?
No design should ever permit unprotected data to touch third party infrastructure anywhere, anytime, anyway, ever. Period.
Recognize that we now inhabit an environment in which there are effectively no legal protections of any kind against pervasive, omnipresent surveillance.
Build robust, distributed channels.
Make them end-user friendly.
Build systems that MANDATE third party deniability.
Build systems that are (relatively) trivial to audit.
Pillay, the first non-white woman to serve as a high-court judge in South Africa,has been asked by the UN to prepare a report on protection of the right to privacy, in the wake of the former National Security Agency analyst Edward Snowden leaking classified documents about UK and US spying and the collection of personal data.
The former international criminal court judge said her encounters with serious human rights abuses, which included serving on the Rwanda tribunal, did not make her take online privacy less seriously.
"Combined and collective action by everybody can end serious violations of human rights … That experience inspires me to go on and address the issue of internet [privacy], which right now is extremely troubling because the revelations of surveillance have implications for human rights … People are really afraid that all their personal details are being used in violation of traditional national protections."
The same rights that people have offline must also be protected online, including the right to privacy

Friday, December 27, 2013

The future

How can you predict the future?
It is much simpler than you can believe.
Simply look at the past.
Everybody talks about the first quarter of 2014, the second quarter, many go as far as 2015 or 2016, but ALL agree that kicking the can down the road will end somehow.
It is enough to look at the past, the far away past, as far as the Roman Empire, or as close as the URSS or the DDR, they were small, then great (or almost) and then they just finished.
Any dictatorship has one limit: they eventually run out of other people's money.
The other people's money being a colony or many colonies or just own people's money.
You steal today, you steal tomorrow and one day there is nothing more to steal.
And it doesn't really matter how big is your police force, or your army, or how many drones you have, when you have no money to pay their salaries (or when the money you print has no more value) they just do not work for you anymore.
And eventually work AGAINST you.
Once dictators had SOMEWHERE to fly to, to hide in, but in this globalized world, when can they hide?
The very same tools they invented to spy on their enemies will be their own NEMESIS.
Who kills with a sword, will die by a sword.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Internet: no more P2P

The Internet was born as a small, decentralized collective of computers.
It meant “ Independence of Cyberspace.”
Not anymore.
Two decades later, most communications flow through a small set of corporations—and thus, under the profound influence of those companies and other institutions.
Google, for instance, now comprises twenty-five per cent of all North American Internet traffic.
It has become a centralized “computer utility” that offers computing much the same way that power companies provide electricity.
Today, that model is largely embodied by the information empires of Amazon, Google, and other cloud-computing companies.
From independence of Cyberspace we have come to dependence from Cyberspace's utilities providers.
More and more Internet users now submit to terms-of-service agreements that give companies license to share their personal data with other institutions, from advertisers to governments.
We should call it "mea culpa"if it wasn't really others foul play's culpa.
In the U.S.(Europe follows), the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, a law that predates the Web, allows law enforcement to obtain without a warrant private data that citizens entrust to third parties—including location data passively gathered from cell phones and the contents of e-mails that have either been opened or left unattended for a hundred and eighty days.
The solution is to make the Internet more like it used to be—less centralized and more distributed.
Surely it won't end surveillance, but will make it harder to do it at such a large scale.
The challenge is to make decentralized alternatives that are as secure, convenient, and seductive as a Google account.
More secure won't be difficult, as alluring will be the not easy part.
The peer-to-peer architecture holds the potential for greatly improved privacy and security on the Internet.
But existing apart from commonly used protocols and standards can also preclude any possibility of widespread adoption.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The dream of a few has turned into the nightmare of many

The sect of the Europhiles is not flustered in the face of any failure.
Go ahead and always, on behalf of the United States of Europe.
Even if in the meantime the dream of a few has turned into the nightmare of many.
Even if you knew before , long before , that it would end like this.
They must integrate . While they say " integration" they have small orgasms.
The satanists integration. They want to penetrate each other.
Now they are doing the banking union .
Where Union means just one.
And who but a banker, as Gianluca Garbi , can defend a project to fuck the citizens in order to save the banks ?
All the billions that follow the religion of austerity , made of money were saved , by slashing , LTRO operations ( other small orgasms ) , spread ... all of this is money .
It is not true that the money burned : it simply changed hands .
And they are in the middle, make a ridge. Gnawe budgets , take millionaire bonuses, go to rape the "others", and their colleagues( or puppets) Draghi in Brussels , Papademos in Greece , Italy and Saccomanni in dealing with institutions , now reduced to condominium meetings , cut government spending, destroy domestic demand, selling everything even the Bank of Italy , and they use our money to pay off the balance sheets , to save giants doomed to failure, such as Monte dei Paschi , relying on our homes , our current accounts, savings supposed to be the future of our children.
All this they call it the great dream of a United States of Europe.
They refer to "our fathers" , who wanted to avoid a new century of wars.
But to avoid a war against a real enemy , they invented one that you can not win .
With the responsibility of top governments they removed the ability to decide .
And Brussels has taken the rest . 90 % of the laws now are from European Union.
That means that Parliament now decides on marginal issues.
To understand the Fiscal Compact and ESM you must go to the source , where a small group of anonymous bureaucrats , rubber-stamping of large financial interests , made of stone figures that have unpronounceable names, decide whether a large Italian industrial group should close or relocate, if 60 million people are prosperous or lose it all .

  Letta has to go home . Napolitano needs to go home, if he has one .
Italy must first of all be a spokesman for the Italian .
I do not know( better I KNOW) who speaks in the name of the Prime Minister when he wants more integration .
I do not know who speaks in the name of the President of the Republic when he writes books about Europe, when he warns in favor of the United States of Europe.
I speak on behalf of citizens who have a name, a last name and a face : economists , teachers, janitors , orderlies who lose their jobs , desperate people . People who cannot manage to get to the end of the month.
Napolitano reads and talks about something that is not there, a future that they wanted and that has never been , wanted by the elites who are not entitled to anything or anyone : dreams do not distribute assignments.
But surely he speaks on behalf of people who have no money problems.
He forgets that Italy IS the Italians.
So let the people decide , not four conspirators behind closed doors.

Liberally taken from Claudio Messora

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The army of the bottom lickers

There is an army, much more powerful of the traditional army.
With one only traditional bullet a soldier can, in an optimal condition, putting three people one after the other, kill three, if the bullet goes through.
A soldier of the bottom lickers’ army can, with one only signature, kill millions.
And can, on a dinner of risotto con funghi and filet mignon, between a glass of Arneis and a glass of Brunello di Montalcino, decide if the next day millions will be able to have a soup or will have to skip the meal.
We have a good army of bottom lickers in Brussels.
They chose them accurately, just the most imbecile, so that they will follow orders, whatever they are.
They think with somebody else's brain, they kill for somebody else's order, without even knowing what they do.
We can decide, if we want to be slave or die or we want to be free.
The difference between being slave and being free is just defeating the bottom lickers’ army.