
Saturday, April 23, 2005

It is not important where they go, it is important that "We go together"

They say there is nobody who hears less than the one who doesn't want to.
The same applies to the capability of seeing.

You can be as blind as you please and still say a lot and look like you know a lot.

I like to read and sniff around and sometimes I see things I wouldn't like to read.
But that is, the market is driven by a few and those few need to be talked about and if possibly in the best way.
We, as human beings, need to believe in something and to belong to something.
Once, when families still existed, one belonged to his family, then to his country then to his nation.
In a world where the borders are not so clear anymore and one tends to feel a citizen of the world, he still has the need to belong to something.
Being that a religion or a belief or a group.
May be that gives strength and power, or at least a feeling of.

That is why we see so many followers of a certain religion, people who could die for it and of course people who easily take advantage out of this feeling.

I think that a good protestant is much better than a bad catholic and has more chances to go to Heaven (if it exists) than the ones who feed the Vatican and the Church.
Of a different opinion is obviously the Catholic Church.

I guess you do not need to pay to have something you have for free, unless they convince you of it.

Being it the "collective unconscious" or just a need coming directly from the need of survival, we all tend to follow some sort of an ideal, a group, it is not important where they go, the important is that "we go together".

And that is evident when we see millions of people buying the same things (a portable phone for example) or looking at the same program on TV, or worshipping a football player.

That in my opinion could be one of the explanations of the million downloads of Skype.
I don't think that suddenly millions have the need to call VoIP, long distance calls.
But millions, as belonging to the P2P family, felt the need to belong to this new "Mass Symbol" that was the P2P voice exchange.

Indicative of it was the use of "Skype me".

The big mistake would be to consider this as "The Future of VoIP".

But undoubtedly I must admit Skype had an important role: to widespread the notion of VoIP.
Thanks to it millions asked themselves: What is VoIP?

1 comment:

Walsh of Aran said...

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bloggers with smilar interests.
