
Saturday, April 23, 2005

Who puts the rules?

In a most decentralized world, where you would expect chaos to be the universal language, surprisingly, you find few patterns everybody follows.
Take for example web design.

You have millions of flash websites, wonderfully looking, wonderfully designed, but those account for a very small traffic.
On the other hand, simple structured websites, where usability is the priority, get most of the traffic.

Even in design you find a common line.

In a way it is like fashion.
Once it was the "Designers" who made the fashion, now the designers look at what (young) people wear to design a collection.

The Internet is the world "of mouth" and in the specific kind of websites is the "world of sight".
It is the world where copyrights last a few seconds, the necessary time to make an electronic copy, where they are merely a "suggestion" that nobody follows.
"You are free to copy, just write it was me who invented it", at least I will have a free commercial out of a bad action...

What will be the future of VoIP?
VoIP is the creature of the Internet, the one that has the job to make the "talking society" and will follow the parents' step.

A decentralized, independent network with common, standard patterns..

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