
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

They have signed their death sentence, let's buy chinese!

The Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TCPA), founded by Compaq, HP, IBM, Intel and Microsoft,has set themself the goal to create an "extended and operating system-based computer platform, that implements confidence in Clients, servers, networks and communication platforms".

The Big Players defined an ambitious goal. But the confidence into this objective was strongly impaired in the last days.

The technology:

TCPA stands for Trusted Computing Platform Alliance.
For the technology we will speak from TCP (The trusted computing platform).
This plans that every computer will have a TPM (Trusted Platform Module), also known as Fritz-Chip, built-in.
At later development stages, these functions will be directly included into CPUs, graphiccards, harddisks, soundcards, bios and so on.
This will secure that the computer is in a TCPA-conform state and that he checks that it's always in this state.
This means: On the first level comes the hardware, on the second comes TCPA and then comes the user.
The complete communication works with a 2048 bit strong encryption, so it's also secure enough to make it impossible to decrypt this in realtime for a longer time.
This secures that the TCPA can prevent any unwanted software and hardware.
The long term result will be that it will be impossible to use hardware and software that's not approved by the TCPA.
Presumably there will be high costs to get this certification and that these would be too much for little and mid-range companies.
Therefore open-source and freeware would be condemned to die, because without such a certification the software will simply not work.
In the long term only the big companies would survive and could control the market as they would like.
Some could think that it should be possible to get around this security.
But probably they would be proved they're wrong. Until now there're no such hardware-implemented security systems and actual security systems have to work offline.
This would be changed with TCP.
The rights and licenses would be central managed by the TCPA (USA?).
And as soon a violation is noticed, they will get notified.
Read the chapter "The bills" to get an overview about the possible resulting consequences.

The companies:

The TCPA was founded 1999 by Compaq, HP, IBM, Intel and Microsoft. But in the meantime around 200 companies joined them. You will find Adobe, AMD, Fujitsu-Siemens, Gateway, Motorola, Samsung, Toshiba and many other well known companies. IBM already sells first desktops and notebooks with integrated TPM.

Let's buy Chinese!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mi permetto di intervenire ogniqualvolta
si parla di Open SOurce impropriamente.
Lavoro con e grazie a sistemi operativi Open Source e devo dire che purtroppo c'e' ancora molta poca conoscenza a riguardo. Aggiungo che in tutti questi anni non ho mai avuto la necessita' di utizzare Windows, per preparare presentazioni, per leggere la posta elettronica, per scrivere una lettera, utilizzare un foglio di lavoro, chattare, telefonare... Linux non rappresenta l'alternativa, lo riconosco, ma non e' piu' da anni un sistema operativo da geek. Molti utenti di Internet lo utilizzano o l'hanno utilizzato senza saperlo! Oggi, Web Server, DNS, Mail Server, strumenti per il trading online girano su sistemi opertivi Open Source. Ho lavorato per qualche anno per un'azienda americana produttrice di software open, mi contatti se desidera approfondire le opportunita' che il software open source offre a tutti noi!

cesare colnaghi
