
Thursday, February 09, 2006

More on Internet Neutrality

OPINION://Neutrality, schmootrality: a heretic speaks.

Network neutrality rules, apart from being a fuzzy undefined concept, throw out the best of price discrimination and entrench the false “natural duopoly” for access...

Martin Geddes

"From the History of Science, we know that big ideas never spring from just one source (story line). All of the "internet progenitors"
that actually contributed substantial "DNA" to Today's Internet all fostered an environment where the creativity was at the *edge* of the network, not *inside* the network, per se."
"This trait remains the central driving force in The Internet - the "sustainable rate of innovation" - and that is maximized, generally speaking, by not requiring "permission" to attempt innovation."
There is no need of permission if there is no authority.
Every ring in the chain is a part of it, a contribution to the global innovation.
The "telco" technologies were created specifically to provide for central planning and control of innovation (aka "new services").
the power of that control can be seen in how successfully ISDN was crushed in the US. In that world, "new services" (not necessarily
innovative) are doled out by the network operators, in concert with their handmaiden equipment providers, on geologic time scales.
It is the unrivalled "sustainable rate of innovation" which makes The Internet what it is.
Moreover, any alternative "Mark 2" notion of "The Internet" which does not maintain and leverage this force will be unable to compete with another model which is in league with it.
At large scale, Biological Diversity beats Centralized Planning.
The rise of The Internet as innovation platform was the transition of communications and comm infrastructure from the world of Centralized Planning to a world where Biological Diversity drives the sustainable rate of innovation."
Discussion and exchange of ideas. Ideas generate new ideas and new ideas make a new world.
Yes, when it comes to it, I really do not want any "telco"to regulate in any way the Internet.
In a world where there is too much authority and mostly misplaced, there is the need of a real democratic world, also if only "virtual" also if it means "Caos".

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