
Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Value of Money

"What we need now is a Free Money Movement comparable to the Free Trade Movement of the 19th century, demonstrating not merely the harm caused by acute inflation...but the deeper effects of producing periods of stagnation that are indeed inherent in the present monetary arrangements.
I still believe that, so long as the management of money is in the hands of government, the gold standard, with all its imperfections, is the only tolerably safe system but it is better to take money completely out of the control of government.
The only way to save civilization will be to deprive governments of the power over the supply of money."

Friedrich August von Hayek, The Denationalization of Money, 1976

Saving civilization depends upon wresting the power over monetary issue from government. Hayek was not alone in this view.
Ayn Rand expressed a similar sentiment in her famous novel Atlas Shrugged.
Earlier still, E.C. Riegel objected to government having issue power over money in his A New Approach to Freedom and again in Flight from Inflation.
All these authors have in common a healthy and well-motivated cynicism about government monetary policy.

Why? Because governments have always inflated the currency, devalued the currency, run enormous budget deficits, and set trade policies to cause massive trade deficits whenever governments have had issue power over money.
It is illogical and necessarily foolish to suppose that any government will prove trustworthy where this most important power is concerned.

So, how do we go about having a Free Money Movement, or, as we prefer to term it, a "free market money movement"? Fortunately, we don't have to go far out of our way. The free market money movement is here.

As part of the Internet boom of the late 1990s, numerous private currency and value transfer services were originated.
Among the various endeavors to offer an online payment system was a 1996 venture called
It turns out that e-gold had discovered something that beenz, flooz, and other ill-fated currency ventures had not.
It turns out that if a currency is redeemable for gold or silver or other metal, it will be widely accepted.
It is not so much that people make a great effort to redeem e-gold for gold, but, rather, the fact that they can which makes them feel secure in the knowledge that the money is "good for" or redeemable for something, and therefore encourages them to accept it in free enterprise exchanges.

Going backward is not always good, loking backward is always a must.
Because studying what happened, how things evolved, how the others behaved before us, their goals and their failures teaches us to go on.

Every generation has handled the next its knowledge, its discoveries.
So that every generation did not start all over from the beginning but somewhere from the arrival point of the previous.
Money has been the need to symbolize the value, a currency the way to exchange values.

Real or Virtual is not so important.
A piece of paper has not more value than a number on a computer screen.

The value is given by the reality of the meaning.

That is to say: 1 dollar paper could have the same meaning and value of a Virtual dollar providing that it has a real counter value in reality.

That is what we are looking for.

A trustable source.

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