
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Done is a four letter Word

Done is a four letter Word...

"Still something to do" is a four words statement.

There are two terrible misfortunes in life.
The first is having a goal and not achieving it, the second, even worse, is to achieve it.

I hate having nothing to do, even worse, having nothing new to do.

I love planning my tomorrows and then having to re plane them.
Sometimes it looks like that my yesterdays walk with me and my tomorrows with somebody else. I just cannot see enough, or better, I see too much.

Imagination is something that haunts the people without a present.
At least they can think of a future.
It is like religion or faith.
The less you have in this life, the more you want to believe.

Dreaming is something that haunts the people without a future.
At least they can live what they do not have.
A reality which is better than any reality, because it is unreal.

"Bill Gates personally reviewed every significant product release. When he heard an estimated schedule, he didn’t like he could be quite harsh: the mildest thing he would say is that he could do it himself in VB over the weekend. "

The dreamer is a lucky man, because he can live what the normal man will never be able to live.
The important is that his dreams never become reality...

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