
Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Your Blog might suck

If your color scheme looks like a Disney character exploded….

If you RandOmly cAPItaliZE lettERs THROUghout YOur posts…

If my grandfather can take a trip the bathroom before your site loads…

If you’ve never met a widget or plugin you didn’t like…

If you have more ads than a Nascar race…

If you update once per presidential administration….

If you think punctuation is optional…

If your do-m-ai-n-na-me has more dashes than the Olympics…

If you spell like an illiterate 13 yo gril trieing 2 snd a txt msg…

If you tend to use big long run on sentences and never bother to break your content into paragraphs or format the text with headers or spaces or anything of the sort and would never dare to use a picture or two you know just something nice to look at thus resulting in a huge big long boring and bland block of text that could cure the worst case of insomnia just by having to look at it….

If your idea of “fair and balanced” is Fox News…

If your hosting company should be doing ads for Levitra…

And last but certainly not least, if you have to steal content ideas from Jeff Foxworthy…

Blogging Experiment

A lady visited Matisse in his studio.
Inspecting one of his latest work she unwisely said:"But, surely the arm of this woman is much too long."
" Madame," the artist politely replied, "you are mistaken. This is not a woman, this is a picture."
As much as ANY blog is the free expression of the blogger who writes it.
You can like or dislike it, that is why you're not obliget to read everything...

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