
Monday, December 11, 2006

The Dollar's Nonsense

The dollar is going down, for good or for bad, who knows?

I have read so many explanations that I cannot see a reason.

Once, some years ago, when the economy still had rules and patterns, the value of a currency meant the health of a State's economy.

The Italian Lira was worth a lot when our economy was good, and subsequently lost value when we began to be full of debts and didn't know how to pay them back.

Now the situation is the same, but we deal with one of the strongest currencies of the world.
That doesn't mean our economy will go better.
On the contrary it looks exactly the opposite.

Things evolve and values are not the same anymore.

Once the real value was in the work you did, now is in the work the others do.
Nobody gets rich with his own work, but many do squeezing the "working class".
And also the "working class" is not the same anymore.
Very few really work, the others pretend to and in the end the real reason must be somewhere else.
When you pretend to work and you pretend that you create jobs and richness, and you pretend that you have a strong currency, at the end you just play the game the others want you to play.

China wants a weak dollar in order to have cheap merchandize, in order to allow Americans to buy it and make debts to buy it.
The Americans want a strong Euro in order to be able to sell to Europe and have cheaper local wines and cheeses, so that the Americans do not buy from Europe.

But at the end of the day, if the Europeans won't sell, just buy, thanks to a strong currency, who will produce Euros enough to buy Chinese and American goods?

But may be I am wrong, also in this we have new rules.
It can also be that Mathematics change and lucky the ones who understood it first...
At the end of the day having a strong currency will just mean that we can consume without doing anything.
It's enough we make debts in dollars and spend in Euros.
In between there is the devaluation of the Dollar and we will survive just changing the currency once a month...

Patrizia from a World on IP

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