
Thursday, May 15, 2008

What fucking went wrong?

What created the actual situation is our undeniable, limitless faith in Technology and Finance.
Besides of course God's will.
"A friend asked me how come the public apparently grasps the reality of climate change but can’t seem to wrap its collective brain around the unfolding oil crisis.

I'm not convinced that the public does grasp climate change. It's perceived, perhaps, as a background story to daily life, which goes on regardless." JK

Regarding climate change people tend to have the same attitude they have towards a fatal illness. Denial, Acknowledge, Passive acceptance.
Thinking: Technology will come in our help. Something will happen.
Something will change.

Regarding the unfolding oil crisis, the attitude is quite similar.
Denial, (it's just a temporary crisis created by some greedy Oil Sheik) Acknowledge (may be it will last some time), Passive acceptance (we'll use the car less, let's pass to the bike).
Thinking: Technology will find a solution.

But what can people do more?
I mean: what can people used to be passive, to consume, to be told what to consume, to be pushed to consume a certain kind of products, to be told what to do and what not to do, what can this kind of people do?
What are they supposed to do?

America and Europe have educated people to be one thing, to do one thing, to live in a certain way, to think in a certain way and now they come and say: why aren't you able to understand, why aren't you able to think?
Why aren't you able to live in a different way?

Because they are not programmed to think, to behave in a different way.
Because this society has created people who are just numbers and tools to work for the society.
Because this society has not being able to create individuals who can think and can decide.

They needed people to borrow money to buy houses, to borrow money to buy things they didn't need to buy.
They needed people to consume and to produce more, so that there was more to consume, so that there was the need to produce more.

What fucking went wrong?

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