If the Imperial Army had stormtroopers that looked like this, we can only assume that a) they'd have a ton of new recruits signing up, and b) they'd run out of funds building form-fitting stormtrooper armor for these overly endowed postergirls. It's not clear if those boobs are silicon-enhanced or Force-imbued, but they're clearly meant to get your midichlorians flowing.

We especially love their vapid expressions and usage of makeup. Who knew they had lipstick in the Empire? It's probably not standard issue with those outfits, but no doubt they have some sort of high-tech makeup applicator that works in zero gravity. All that's missing from this is a "Shhhh! Loose Lips Sink Death Stars!" poster warning about spreading secrets, and it would be a perfect set. We're going to see about ordering the "Next Planet!" version for the io9 lobby.

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