
Monday, August 03, 2009

What I learned from the Plant world

I have developed a peculiar feeling for dying plants and flowers.
It all began with my natural tendency to "saving".
Plants on Saturdays at my local grocery store are priced one third of their original price.
The game begins on Mondays.
Every Monday morning they have season’s flowers and plants on special offer.
The price is slightly lower than at the local Florist’s.
To be really honest, the price is following the value.
They are usually second choice plants, that means less flowers, quite small and the most common kind and color.
On Wednesday the price begins to lower as much as the look of them.
I wouldn’t say they do not care.
Sometimes they care too much, they even over water them.
On Fridays they begin to look suffering.
But it is on Saturdays that they really show a cadaveric look and the price follows the state.
What was 6 euro very often becomes 2.
That is the moment I begin to be interested in them.
I have something like a clinic for suffering and ill flowers in my living room (I have eight nice windows in the living room)or in Summer in my garden.
Their biggest problem is the fact that they lacked light and had too much water.
But in my personal view they lacked love and care.
Every Saturday my first concern is looking at the unlucky survivors.
It feels like a magnetic attraction, a call for survival.
It´s like they told me: Please bring me away, please help me, because I want to live.
They talk in their very peculiar and expressive way.
In the same way they tell me, a few days later, thank you, I am so happy I could escape death.
And the reward?
First you see a small tiny new leaf growing.
Then it becomes bigger and you see new leaves coming out.
The color from an undistinguishable grey gets greener and greener and the new born have such a healthy and nice color, they look like small babies with fat, rosy cheeks.
Who said plants cannot express themselves?
Certainly somebody who is not able to listen.

What did I learn from the Plant World?
That you can be a great gardener also knowing nothing about plants.
You just have to listen to them and they tell you what they need.
"to hear with eyes" is something everybody can do.
That love, also the humble love for a plant can bring great results and huge revenues.
The revenues that count in life, satisfaction, the feeling to be useful, the feeling to do something "right".
That the world is all full of beauty, that the green of a new born leaf is as nice as everything else, sometimes even more.
That we are a part of nature and very often we forget it.
That there are many ways to communicate, also with a plant.
That a nice garden is a joy for the eyes and music for your heart.

This is what I learned from the the Plant World


Robert Hruzek said...

Howdy, Patrizia!

Although I'm still learning, I've discovered the best thing I can do with plants is let 'em be. If I mess with 'em too much, I tend to hurt more than help. The plants in my garden that do the best are the ones I give their own space to and let them do what they want. Besides, it's more fun to see how they develop on their own!

Hey, thanks for the participation in this month's groupwrite project!

Unknown said...

I am pretty much a plant killer. I try, but obviously I don't speak their language. I would agree, however, "that a nice garden is a joy for eyes and music for your heart." Nice post.
