
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Should Italy leave the Euro?

Yes, she should and could live happily after...
"Italy, not Greece, is the country that has the strongest case for leaving the euro", says a new report from Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
The Merrill Lynch (BAC) report has Italy tied with Ireland as the two countries with strong incentives to leave the euro.
Why Italy?
Because, like other countries that are suffering from being yoked to the strong euro currency, Italy would benefit from increased export competitiveness, Merrill says in its July 10 report.
And unlike some other troubled countries, Italy could probably stage a relatively orderly exit, the report says.
Its government is running a small primary surplus—that is, not counting interest payments.
A bigger challenge is that it has a significant current account deficit, which means that it needs a constant inflow of foreign capital to pay its bills.
But that could readily change, if the exports, that now are at almost 50% could boost the economy with a weak currency. Italy would become the China of Europe, but with much better quality products.
Of course, export-led growth is only one consideration for a country.
The most counterintuitive part of the analysis says that borrowing costs would fall for peripheral countries, especially Greece, Portugal, and Ireland, because the ability to print their own money would reassure markets that the likelihood of a default had fallen.
How many Ferraris would Italy sell if their price was in Lira, when the Mercedes and BMW were still in Euros? How much parmesan cheese?
Or designer clothes or furniture?
Or cruise ships?
Or shoes and gloves?
Or tiles and sanitary?
If we still had our Olivetti, ruined by that criminal of Debenedetti, we could be first in computers too...
But who says we wouldn’t be able to be again among the first?
O.K., if Italy has a relatively weak incentive to stay in the euro, could Germany bribe it to stay in, since Germany would suffer from an Italian exit?
That is exactly what they did with Monti...
This is the surprise for the new elections...
A Comic that could say "VERPISSEN" to the German brothers...
What would the fate of Eurozone be?
Herr Peerlusconi probably knows...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Technological era

We live in a technological era, in which reality has given up the space to virtuality.
We do not travel anymore, we do not even walk.
We shop in front of our computer, we see places, visit cities and museums, read, listen to music, sing, chat, entertain, work ALL in front of our computer.
We do not talk anymore, we do not even write, we digit, very often symbols on our keyboard.
It is not anymore: you didn´t say, or you promised or you talked...
It is you smsed me.
Or you blogged.
soon :You videoblogged...
We gave up our intelligence to have back our smartphones.
The brain is the big winner when there is a brain.
Our DNA has never been so open, so clear, so visible.
We have no age, no look, no body or face.
We are what we write or what we like to be.
You do not detect truth by a smile or a twinkle or a nod...not even by trembling of the develop a sixth sense for pauses, for fonts, for capitals, for commas or for words used.
There we are: real monsters of virtual reality.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Get ahead with the right partner

Once there were the yellow pages.
All (or mostly) the commercial world turned around them. especially the local world.
Now people do not search on "paper" they have gone virtual...
From that the need to be where your customers look for you: on the internet.
Also for local searches?
Yes, also for them.
People do not walk anymore, they browse, and if you are not there, you do not exist, and more than ever, you do not sell...
The commercial relationship is based primarily on communication, so you need to be able to catch your customer, but also to keep their attention. You have to change browsers in customers.
For that you fisrt need experts in local search marketing.
They know how to do the right job, they work for you and better than what you would and you are not even permanently bound to them with a contract...
As they say they "create value, communicate value."
And that sometimes is the thin line between being successful and going bankruptcy...
In a world that is changing, to get the same you have to change.
To better explain how it works the Local business marketing, they have, on their website, a very useful and smart search.
You simply must enter a word or two that best describes your business category or service, then you can select your State and County.
And there it is: the number of searches that are made for your products or services...will you be the one they find?
It mostly depends on you for the easiest part.
You do not need to learn IT or be a guru, you just have to chose the right partner.
Who? The one who is expert in local search
In the total amount of 16 billions search on the major search engines one out of five of those searches is local in nature.
What does that mean?
It means that if you are not there yet, you should hurry up...or you will be left behind.
Do you know that it is possible to show photos and videos of your location? And that it could mean that Google gives prominent placement on its search, just for that?
Many other things you do not know could really make a great difference...

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The italian electoral campaign

What the Italian electoral campaign is lacking is reality.
All candidates, without distinction, are engaged in a race of promises and concessions.
All PROMISES that will be impossible to realize.
Sorry to say, but ALSO Grillo is carried away ...
His proposal of basic income is even more irrealistic of the most promising promises Berlusconi.
How does he think to be able to give a basic 1000 € to ALL?
Lowering the pensions of 90,000 euro.
He forgets the most elementar concepts of mathematics, the pensions of 90,000 Euros are hundreds, while the "poor citizens" are millions.
The money saved could barely allow an income of a few euro if "guaranteed" to all those who need it.
As it happened in Parma, where as a result of the promises there is the mother who has to pay € 1000 per month to send her two children to kindergarten, because the money is what it is and it must be collected where it is.
So the working mother earning 1000 € per month must give 500 to pay the tuition fee for the child of the mother who does not work (and could keep him home) and therefore has no income ...
There are two models of "government."
The U.S. model where you pay 20% tax, but the health care is private, the school is private, all services are private.
There is the European model where you pay 68% of taxes, but the school is public, health care is public,services are public.
They both worked well at first, then human nature took over and they both failed, so that USA continues to give nothing but increases taxes, in Europe taxes cannot be further increased so they begin to dismantle the "public" and begin its "privatization."
The result will be the same: high taxes and no services.
An honest politician should NOT promise unattainable things , but follow one of the two models and promise to make it working.
In Europe: do you pay 68% of taxes?
Well with that kind of money the state will guarantee health ', education, services.
You do not want to pay? Well, you'll have a 'higher salary, but it's up to you to save for diseases, for the education of your son, for all the other services that the state does not provide you.
Why, dear citizen, since you cannot have a drunken wife and a bottle full of wine, the realistic promise that a serious political should make is that he will do everything possible to guarantee either lower taxes or services that work (for free).
I wish I could vote a politician who talks like this.
And also the majority of Italians, because, believe me, they are not as stupid they want us to believe ...