
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Who wins?

In the last few days, we've seen an extraordinary wave of announcements by governments in Europe, particularly its eastern part, that they would not be ratifying ACTA immediately. That sequence of events, culminating in today's news that Germany, too, would be holding off, has suddenly made lots of people sit up and take notice.

But even against that tumultuous background, few of us would have expected that two of the most serious business publications in Europe, The Economist and Financial Times, would both go much further than simply noting the problems the treaty now faces, and declare that ACTA is pretty much dead.

Under the headline "ACTA up", The Economist says: "Protests across Europe may kill an anti-piracy treaty", and points out: "Internet activists used to be dismissed as a bunch of hairy mouse-clickers with little clout. Not any more."

Do not worry.
It is not a sign that people win, it is but one more confirmation that corporations have their last saying.
They are stronger than Hollywood, than copyright holders.
Who would pay for high speed Internet if suddenly there was no content to download?
It is not freedom that wins, it is just one of those times in which freedom is convenient to bandwith sellers...

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