
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Our virtual World

"Whenever somebody complains about "the lies that George Bush & Co. told to get us into the Iraq war" (as Frank Rich did in The New York Times on Sunday), I wonder how those lies compare to the lies that the American public tells itself every day -- for example, that we could run America without oil from the Middle East, or that hybrid cars will save Happy Motoring, or that we can have an economy without producing anything of value."
James Kunstler

There is one word that is the explanation of all.
One word that has become so popular that many think its meaning to be the Internet.
That word is "Virtual World".
There everything is possible.
And we live in it most part of our day.
It is there, in our computer screen.
The secret?
Just "pretend".
Pretend that "we could run America without oil from the Middle East, or that hybrid cars will save Happy Motoring, or that we can have an economy without producing anything of value".
Let's pretend that what happens didn't happen, let's have the "news on demand" so that we read just what we are interested in.
Nothing too brutal or unpleasant.
And this virtual world is getting everyday more real than the real one.
Mr. Kunster, just "pretend" and it WILL be.
And if you happen to wake up, pretend that you didn't.

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