
Friday, April 13, 2007

Things to know when you have some money to invest or you need money from somebody who has money to invest...

DIY is a great thing, we have a saying: "fatto da te, fatto per tre" (done by oneself is like done by three).
That is NOT always true, at least without knowing all what you need to know...
Would you put wall paper on a wall without the minimum knowledge of how to do? (I would, but the results are what they are...)
So why investing or borrowing money without the minimum knowledge of how to?
The Internet is such a treasure to become if not experts at least a little bit more professional about what we do.
There is a blog about loan consolidation where you can find very good articles about what to do and how to do when you have money or when you have no money.
I like it because very often you realize that what you thought as good suddenly doesn't look so good anymore, and they explain how and when in such a way that you can completely change your mind about it.
I found particularly interesting the article "Reasons why Homeownership is for suckers" where they explain why buying a house making a mortgage is not the best of investments. They list all the false assumptions and traps one can fall in.
In principle is like believing that one can loose weight without dieting, without exercising, without efforts.
Everybody should know by now that being thin is a life commitment and nothing comes cheap, not even a mortgage and even less a house.
But it is nice to believe it, it is nice to dream and we are very often so willing to believe what we like.
That is why reading the truth once in a while is useful.

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