And very often I get angry because I do not remember where I stored my bookmarks and, as usual, when I look for B I find A, which is what I was looking for when I found C.
It was with the utmost pleasure that I found out the easy way to store ALL my bookmarks, dividing them in categories and being able to see them from ANY computer I was working at.
That can look strange, but when you happen to live with a Programmer you may have to change computer quite often and loosing a hard drive or being able to access it with a lot of trouble, makes life hell.
Especially if you like to store what you see when you surf.
How many times we find interesting articles or pictures or addresses when we surf for something and we do not have the time to peruse them?
I do it quite often and I usually bookmark the page and think: I will come later...
So, I really think this is it.
I already created my user profile and it was easy (and free)and now I am going to begin.
Bookmark Topic is the main category under which your related bookmarks are stored.
You just have to name your Topic Group and then assign it to a category from the list provided.
And this is not all.
There is also a very interesting feature, in my opinion, the best.
In the Public Topics you can share research or information on a specific topic, you can publish your bookmarks on your blog via an RSS feed, create a sitemap for your own Website with a link to BookmarkAll,set up an account for your school with links to study aids, teachers, etc.
I mostly like that "Sharing the research or information".
That means I can use somebody else's research on a special topic and he can share mine.
Time saved on both sides and also sharing of knowledge.
Of course if you are an expert of a certain subject you find things that somebody who isn't will hardly find...
On the Private Topics you can safely store your on-line banking information, allow selected access to sites related to your business, keep photo upload sites available only to friends and family and I guess many more things that one can think of...
So, the place is called and I am looking forward to meet somebody with interesting bookmarks.
Yes, I am going to call it the P2P of searching, and it is even legal...
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