
Thursday, November 16, 2006

The joy of being poor

It is very difficult to try and remain poor.
Indeed one has to ask himself: is it worth while?
Let's face it: the joy has gone out of poverty.
It was soon after the war that the suddendly impoverished classes gained much in prestige.
Not being abe to afford anything made them happy; their eyes and their trousers shone with pride.
Then the prosperity descended on us and ruined it all.
It took the poor unawares and disorganised their legions.
For some years they accepted Prosperity with a sigh.
Gone were the book-keepers who dressed like bohemians; every bohemian now dressed like a book keeper.
Then, a few years after the initial blow, the revolt against respectability broke out.
Filth, dirty pullovers and unshaven faces became the fashion once again; angry young men spat at the middle classes.
But there was no getting away from it.
That damned Prosperity had caught up with all of us..
How to remain poor?
It is not easy.
To remain poor needs the utmost skill and ingenuity.(And only old-age pensioners and a few other unwilling people manage to achieve it- to our shame).
What else is left?
It is no use saying that you cannot afford a car, because everybody can afford a car (50 Euro per month and no interest).
It is pointless to allege that you have no money because all you have to do is put your head in your bank manager's office and he will throw all the money you want to borrow at you.
(I am always puzzled why people bother to rob banks. Can't they JUST ask for the money?)

How to remain poor then?
I can give you no fool-proof recipe, only a few pointers:

1) Gambling, I believe, is almost always safe.
There is no amount the horses and the dogs cannot take care of.
The safest way of loosing money is chasing it.

2) Try farming. Farming is safe. You needn't worry: it will ruin you in no time.

3) Then there is always the path of dishonesty.
I mean you can always fake poverty, just in order to keep the confidence and affection of your friends..

Being well-off, of course, is not your shame, only your misfortune, but some people will not understand this.
Not only, they would insist it is even better than being poor.
In case you do not want to believe me, you can have a look at this interesting blog where somebody teaches you how to be rich, or at least how NOT to become poor.
Its name is Free the Drones and you can find useful suggestions on Negotiating With Car Dealers, in case you want to buy a car,or Black Friday - Getting The Best Shopping Deals,or Tricking Loved Ones Into Saving.
All very useful of course if you want to stay rich or try to become rich.
But then...happiness is a place between too little and too much.

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