
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Real Virtuality

Real Virtuality
The Economist profiles Carl Bass of Autodesk:

It will be the ability to experience a thing before it is built, says Mr Bass. Before bending actual metal for a new Boeing aircraft, for instance, its designers ought to be able to feel what it will be like to sit in as a passenger, to fly it as a pilot, and to fix it as ground crew. Architects should be able to enter a building that exists only in their imagination and their software in order to see how light falls into it at noon in January and dusk in June...

Once they called it "dreaming" and a "dreamer" who could experience it.

The Internet has given a dream a certain kind of reality, something which is really there without being there.
Something you can see, something you can hear.
The Internet is the childhood of the "grown up", the real world of the dreams, the future of the present.
But it is also the ghost of what is bad in real life.
It is the mirror of man's soul.
No matter what you do, behind every virtual reality there is that common thing that goes under the name of "human nature".
Because virtual or real, it is still just human...

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